Mechanical Engineer
September 29, 2016 buildyourpath_wpabout the job
Mechanical engineering is one of the broadest careers in engineering. These engineers design and develop mechanical and thermal devices such as turbines, engines, and power plants. They also design elevator and conveyor systems.

what you'll do
Mechanical engineers analyze projects and problems to determine whether a mechanical or thermal design could help to resolve the problem at hand. They rely on computer programs to run analyses and simulations, as well as to design systems. Once they determine the correct specifications, they can develop prototypes to test outside computer systems and implement any necessary changes. They also oversee the process of creating devices to ensure that they are made correctly.
Aspiring mechanical engineers need to obtain a bachelor’s degree from an Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology (ABET) approved college or university. Many of these engineers go on to receive their master’s degree in order to conduct research.

all the other details
skills needed
Listening skills
Math skills
Mechanical skills
Problem-solving skills
further education
To become a teacher, conduct research, or advance in the field, a master’s degree is usually required. Many mechanical engineers earn additional degrees in engineering or business administration.
what you'll get paid
The average starting salary is $85,880, but will vary depending on experience and training.